Thursday, December 15, 2011


Marvin! Marvin! Raymond shouts at a whisper tone. Marvin I can’t see anything. Boo! Marvin yells as he pops out from a snow covered bush. Raymond giggles “You scared me I could’ve slipped on the ice!” Sorry I guess I get a little bored out here in the dark.  “Do you think that I could make it to April this year?” Marvin asks hopefully. You’re a snow man Marvin we can only hope.

The next morning Raymond wakes at eight o’clock, as usual. Where are you headed Raymond? His mom asks I’m going to play with Marvin! Raymond hollered. I’ll be back soon! What took you so long? Giggled Marvin. They walked across the street just when Robert comes along. “Playing with your snow man again Raymond?  Robert said in a mean voice. “Leave me alone Robert. You know your parents probably think you’re crazy! He’s nothing but a monster! Robert yelled, “Marvin the Momo Monster!” Stop calling him that he’s not a monster! He’s my friend!” Raymond stormed off with Marvin behind him.“Just ignore him Marvin he’s a big bully!” Raymond said with an angry tone.  Raymond, Marvin! Your lunch is ready! Raymond sat down with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and Marvin with a snow cone in hand.

I made Marvin when I was only two years old not knowing that he would soon become my best friend. Every year when the first snowflake falls, Marvin comes and the fun begins! Sadly every year he has to melt usually he makes it to about early march. “Why does he have to leave?” Raymond thought to himself. “Mom can Marvin stay for dinner tonight? Of course Marvin is welcome to stay anytime” 
Those last few weeks Marvin and I had together were the best weeks ever! We would sled, make cookies, every once in a while my mom would even take us ice skating. March came and we were looking towards the end. Marvin and I made as many memories that we could to last until the next winter.

The night came to take Marvin outside set him in the snow and say good bye. “This was the best winter yet!” Marvin said trying to cheer Raymond up. “That’s for sure, I just wish you could stay forever we could become”… Raymond looked at Marvin with a slight smile, “Become brothers.” Raymond gave Marvin a big hug, “I’ll see you next year” Said Raymond with a big grin. Raymond walked inside excited for next year when he rolls that first snow ball and sees his best friend again.

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