Sunday, November 18, 2012


Author's Note: This is my prediction on how I think the story ended:) Enjoy!

I have always been into very action pact books, anything else I'd read I fall asleep estimation, I find it hard not to turn it into a wild adventure or a big drama. So when I was assigned to assume what was going to happen once he opened the purple jar I couldn't help but think it was going to come out and attack him. In the beginning of the story the author did I good job with making it surprising. I defiantly couldn't tell what was going to happen next. Once it got to the part with the purple gunk in the jar my big imagination took charge and pictured a big purple monster coming out and trying to kill him, but just before he can Mr.Mason tells him to stop. I pictured that Mr.Mason was using that as a threat and that if he doesn't stop the inappropriate attitude he wouldn't stop the monster and would let him devour Troy whole. 
I can't say I was happy with the end of the story, I didn't like it to be true. I would've liked it if they gave a little more of an explanation. If you ask me I think that he ended up being just like Dale, the boy that had the same think done to him. He never was the same and learned his lesson.

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