Friday, March 1, 2013

Girl Scout Emma!

Author's Note: This is a creative piece I wrote on a little girl named Emma who was selling girl scout cookies.

“La la loopsy, La la loopsy ,” little seven year old Emma sang skipping down Walnut St. She pulled her red wagon, filled with girl scout cookies, in her right hand. Her mind hopping from topic to topic, she saw a big white house with blue shutters and a red door. Emma loved the way the house popped. She decided to stop at Ms. Toni’s house before she were to go to the big white one. Ms.Toni was Emma’s kindergarten teacher, she loves sweets and Emma was sure she would get a good buy from Ms.Toni. Emma delicately walked up to Ms.Toni’s yellow door and knocked three hard knocks. Ms.Toni opens the door. Her golden blonde hair lit up her big, green eyes.”Why hello there miss Emma. What can I do for you?” She said with a soft tone.”I am from troop 5703 and I would like to sell you cookies” Emma said in the most adult like voice she could.”Oh, well then.”Ms.Toni said noticing this was strictly business.”I should go get my check book!” As Ms.Toni left to get her check book she caught a glimpse of Emma celebrating her sell. As Ms.Toni steps onto the doorstep with her check book in hand she says, “Well, what are my options?” “We have many kinds of cookies Ms.Toni, like peanut butter swirl, peppermint patty, cocoanut crisp, even lemon drop!” “Wow, you sure do! I will take two peppermint patties and one lemon drop!” Emma and Ms.Toni exchange a check and three boxes of cookies.”Troop 5703 appreciates your business.” Ms. Toni smiles and says, ”I sure do appreciate troop 5703’s cookies! Have a good day!” Ms.Toni waved to Emma and shut her door. Emma headed toward the big white house and was excited for what was yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. I was a girl scout when I was little! You have a very creative idea and very good description of the other house you mentioned. Maybe you could try better describing Ms. Toni's house.
