Monday, October 15, 2012

Cause and Effect

There were many wonderful cause and effect situations from the book "The Secret Life of Bees". For example, Lily tells her true story to August and what actually happened in the past. This is a very important part in the book, because it's when August finally hears the truth about Lily's story and why she's there. Then when August comforted her and told she forgives her is the effect, if the effect were to go a different direction, I think that August would have kicked her out for lying and not telling the truth for such a long time. 


  1. - I like how you begin your paragraph
    -I kind of got a little confused when reading this, only because I didn't quite know what your cause was.
    - I also like your piece because it describes a lot in a little about of space.

  2. I think this is good cause and effect even though it is small you could of added how the story even happened.
